30 January 2016: Corrections from Mick Roth and updated External Differences table
20 September 2015: Added detail provided by Mick Roth.
16 September 2015: Numerous changes have been incorporated over the past few days: Steve Belanger (see http://www.aoadecals.com/) Richard Brumm (also see his comment below) and others have provided additional information.
A model builder sometimes asks for the differences between
the A-6A and the A-6E. There isn’t a simple answer. Initially, the major changes
were avionics and other internal items, with the only notable external change being the
ECM antennas—and that wasn't true for the first 20 or so A-6Es—and possibly the location of the inboard wing fence. Note also that over 200 As were rebuilt as Es, making Bureau Numbers
unreliable as a differentiator. (The first production A-6E was 158041.)
The Bible for the A-6 is Intruder: The Operational
History of Grumman’s A-6 by Mark and Rick Morgan, published by Schiffer. The subtitle doesn't do it justice because it also covers development, configuration changes, and in-service problems.
Rick generously provided content and illustrations for this post but he only reviewed a first draft of the text so any errors and omissions are all mine.
The external changes can be simplified into the following
Early As
Later As
Early Es
SWIP/Composite Wing
Note that I have arbitrarily differentiated Early and Late A-6As as circa 1970 after the incorporation of improved defensive systems in this summary.
Also see Brumm comment below.
Due to problems encountered in flight test and Navy
evaluation, wingtip-mounted speed brakes were added at BuNo 149940 and the
perforated fuselage-mounted speed brakes were deactivated shortly after the
first A-6As were delivered to operational squadrons. The fuselage speed brake
assembly was deleted entirely in production at BuNo 154170 and replaced with a
blank panel. However, earlier A-6s, including those subsequently converted to
A-6Es, retained the original perforated structure covering the speed brake well until it had to be replaced
for cracking or corrosion. More than 10 were still flying with the original panel in
1991 while deployed for Operation
Storm. This is an example of a former A-6A in June 1983.
Rick Morgan Photo
Early As had fairings attached to the forward portion of the tailhook and early
Defensive Electronic Countermeasures (DECM) equipment and the ALE-18 chaff dispenser.
The ALE-18 dispensed packets of chaff through a small slot on the lower left-hand side of the fuselage between the engine exhaust and the speed brake well. It was the production standard between production number 19 and 433.
Small ALR-15 Radar Warning Receivers were mounted on the wingtips between the position lights on A-6A production number 19 through 358.
New and improved defensive systems were added as a result of combat experience, on the fly so to speak,
which resulted in the Later A configuration. For example, two ALE-29A dispensers were added aft of a truncated Doppler radar antenna fairing beginning in either March 1969 and at production number 434 (Roth) or February 1970, replacing the ALE-18. These contained separate cartridges of either chaff or a flare with 30 tubes per dispenser.

The Later A-6A DECM antennas were boom mounted on the outboard pylon and under the leading edge of the wingtip:
Steve Belanger noted that the boom mounted antenna (AN/ALQ-100) was an airframe change dated 29 February 1968; the wingtip receivers (AN/APR-25), 30 April 1968. Mick Roth reported that the ALQ-100 was added at production number 310 and the APR-25 replaced the ALR-15 at production number 359. However, retrofit might have taken some time although A-6s that were in combat would get them as soon as possible during deployment. It's rare to see an A-6A that has one antenna and not the other but VMA (AW)-533 had only the wingtip receivers circa 1968/1969 on their 1541XX A-6As even though the addition of the ALQ-100 was the earlier change. This is an example:
John Murphy via Steve Belanger
Externally and from a modeler's perspective of the cockpit, the first 72 Es were basically the same as Later As except for ECM antennas (and even then the first A-6Es were delivered with the Later A-6A DECM antennas), the substitution of the GRU-7 seat (also retrofitted to some
As) for the GRU-5 and possibly the location of the inboard wing fence.
Early A-6A Cockpit (gunsight protective cover in place):
Later A-6A Cockpit (note the addition of a radar warning display on the instrument panel above the center console):
Scanned from the VMA(AW)-533 1972-1973 Cruise Book by Steve Belanger
The A-6E cockpit was initially similar to the Later A-6A's except for the GRU-7 ejection seat.
The ejection seats:
Production A-6Es #16 and 18 were delivered to VA-65 with A-6A DECM antennas.
The A-6A ECM antenna on the outboard pylon was subsequently replaced on A-6Es with three in a large fairing on the inboard-wing leading-edge. It had a recess in it for the main landing gear door.
The inboard portion of the A-6A's stall strip on the leading edge, shown here, was retained.
This change to the A-6E inboard leading edge resulted in the inboard wing fence being relocated slightly inboard. On the A-6A (and A-6C contrary to its SAC drawing), it was located slightly but notably outboard of the inboard pylon. On the A-6E, it was moved to be slightly but still clearly inboard of the inboard pylon. Click
HERE for the relative locations.
Note that after the first few deployments, the black radomes were replaced with tan ones (the natural color of the fiberglass) to reduce conspicuity. Grey and white paints were subsequently approved that did not affect transitivity.
The inlets and vents on the right shoulder panel were different:
CAINS (Carrier Airborne Inertial Navigation System) was the
replacement for the original INS that was one of the avionics carryovers from
the A. It resulted in the addition of a large external air scoop on the upper
aft fuselage and a small exhaust on the lower left aft fuselage (the original inlet at the base of the vertical fin was blanked off). In production, CAINS preceded the installation of TRAM (Target Recognition Attack Multisensor)
turrets but all production A-6s delivered with CAINS had provisions for TRAM,
including a removable panel at the bottom of the radome and the relocation of
the anticollision light from the nose landing gear door to a light under each engine nacelles (two were doubtless required to meet the minimum viewing angles). The TACAN antenna was relocated to the underside of the left engine nacelle.

Note that the first A-6As had the angle of attack indexer lights evenly spaced along the side of the door and no TACAN antenna on it.
Since CAINS preceded TRAM, all A-6s with the sensor turret
under the forward fuselage had the large inlet scoop, but not all A-6s with the
large inlet scoop had the turret. However, the latter configuration would be
relatively rare although it could occur simply due to a requirement for turret repair with no spare available. This is a former A-6A with the CAINS air scoop but no turret.
TRAM, which provided FLIR (Forward Looking Infra Red) among other things, resulted in a notable change on both sides of the cockpit.
Note that there is one screen instead of two for the pilot and vice versa on the right side.
As in the earlier A-6s, when in use the bombardier's scopes were covered by a hood to maximize readability.
SWIP (Systems/Weapon Improvement Program) was a package of avionics
changes and a new, all-composite wing that would extend the A-6’s
service life. Because of delays in the wing’s design and development, some
aircraft received some of the SWIP changes before than the wing. The only
external SWIP change feature might be the addition of an aft-facing DECM antenna
mounted above the fuel dump on the composite wing and possibly on the metal wing. Note that formation ("slime") lights were added to the wingtip (and the fuselage as shown above), possibly in production with BuNo 161092, but beginning in October 1982 in any event.
The SWIP improvements were supposed to include a head-up display for the pilot but this doesn't seem to have been realized before the A-6s were prematurely put out to pasture.