Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Early F4H Redux

It turns out that there was a change to the tailhook and the deletion of a fairing behind the tailhook that I hadn't noticed. There was also a change to the stabilator that was brought to my attention by Craig Kaston. I've updated the second early F4H entry, HERE, with a drawing and a couple of pictures that illustrate the changes to the tailhook and the deletion of the fairing. I've updated the first early F4H entry, HERE, to illustrate the stabilator change.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

F9F-6 vs. 8 Cougar Redux

I've updated this entry, HERE, in response to a question about the difference in the length between the F9F-6 and the -8 as provided on the interweb—and also in Steve Ginter's monograph Number 66, Grumman F9F-6/7/8 Cougar Part One—of 16 inches versus the eight inches that I show. I also updated the planform view of the F9F-5/6/8 to reflect the eight-inch increase in length of the -8 compared to the -6.